Pacific Crest Trail

The devil, deer, and the color purple

Day 57 As with most other days here on the bear country part of the PCT, I start in the dark by relocating my bear canister that I placed over two hundred feet from my tent yesterday. At first I couldn’t find it this morning so either a bear had been playing with it or I simply had remembered well enough where I put it as the surrounding landscape had few very distinct markings. I…

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Pacific Crest Trail

A calamitous crossing of Silver Pass

Day 56 Firstly I must admit that the title of this post is misleading given the fact that there were no calamity today. I just got tired the “EPONYM Pass” titling and wanted to make an ironic jab at clickbait. There was a small mishap, however. Well, I forgot to set my alarm this morning so I unfortunately slept in, which is to say that I woke up at 5:30. The ferry out of Vermilion…

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