Pacific Crest Trail

First zero day in Tehachapi

Day 35

Slept in and enjoyed the complementary breakfast, which probably is a bigger expense for the hotel for us hiker guests. Before laundry I pre rinsed my socks in the bathtub leaving it completely opaque and with a very dark brown color. Trail dirt certainly is a thing. After laundry I went to do resupply in a super market, which unfortunately was a couple of miles of walking, but walking back from there with my bags a couple pulled over and gave me a ride to the hotel. Neat. They were trail angels and were actually on the way to CopperTone which you might recall from previous posts in order to bring more ice cream. It is a small world! I brought slightly more food today than I previously has done as I have often run out.

As it has commonly been requested I here bring an overview of what I am actually eating on trail. It could look something like this:

Breakfast: 3×2 pop tarts or tortillas with peanut butter.

Second breakfast: tortillas with chocolate

Snacks: 3 Cliff bars (somewhat like an energy bar) and a Snickers.

Lunch: Tortillas with sharp cheddar, tuna, or spam singles

Second lunch: ramen noodles (cold soaked)

Dinner: mashed potatoes from powder or “rice sides” (both cold soaked) and optionally with cheese or meat.

Desert: Chocolate.

The cheddar cheese stays fresh a couple of days in the heat. If one ends up with an excess of tortillas there’s also the option to make the infamous “tortillas burritos” which are just a tortillas inside a tortillas. The diet listed above is probably somewhat lacking in greens, calcium, complete protein, and, well, ice cream. That is mitigated by the in town diet.

The “cold soaking apparatus” is simply a ice cream jar from a particular manufacturer. Nothing I have cold soaked in that jar has been as good as what was originally in it, though 😉 In addition I am carrying a titanium spoon and a very small Swiss army knife.

At night time I was moved to a nearby hotel as there apparently was some water heater issues.

A four day resupply (only three dinners)
A four day resupply (only three dinners)
“Cooking” equipment
“Cooking” equipment

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